Visa Germany: Visa application procedures for Germany

To apply for a visa for Germany:

1/ Making an appointment:

– If you are applying for a Schengen visa: You must go through the VFS Global website and the deposit is made at the VFS centre, the Omrane building, lac Leman street, Ground Floor les berges du lac, Tunis, 1053. Data must be entered correctly as indicated in your passport. The email address must be correct, as you will receive a confirmation of your appointment by e-mail.

If you are applying for any other type of visa: You must make an appointment on the embassy website. Same thing, data must be entered correctly as indicated in your passport. The email address must be correct, as you will receive a confirmation of your appointment by e-mail.

2/ Prepare the requested documents (depending on the type of your visa).

3/ Come on time on the day of your appointment and present the confirmation and your passport to the security officer to access the waiting room.

4/ File your complete file (files are filed from Monday to Friday).

5/ Enter your biometric data.

6/ At the end, the agent will give you a confirmation letter with a date and time for the withdrawal of the passport.

7/ Show up on “D” day. Passport removal takes place from Monday to Thursday at 1:30 pm, Friday at 12 pm.

You can also follow your request on this link.

Important information if you are supported:

The declaration of care according to §§ 66-68 Aufenthaltsgesetz (Aufenthg) of a person resident in Germany. The competent authority (Ausländerbehörde) must legalize the signature on the invitation. The original must be presented. If the reason for your trip is not obvious (e.g. visit of a close relative), an explanatory letter from your host can avoid doubts.


Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Windermere Lac Impasse 1

1053 Tunis – Berges du Lac

Phone: (+216)71 143 200

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